Checks the WWW while you ZZZ!
(PRE-ALPHA release, not to be counted on, not accepting money, everything subject to change)
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- New image, much less creepy (though still somewhat)
- Assorted performance/memory tweaks and other bugfixes
- Let users ignore link targets and image sources, to reduce false alarms from meaningless changes
- Add assorted static pages
- Make user-relevant links a dropdown menu
- The Index page no longer redirects logged-in users to their site list.
Some pages have been added: News (this!), Privacy Policy, and Contact.
Major work on the DNS records related to email;
it should be much more reliable now.
Larger allowance of free credits:
- 50 to start with
- 1 more every day
- Maximum accumulation of 100
The "diffie" dependency has been updated.
For WWWizzzard users, this means that
if you use the "omit deletions" option,
the new versions of changed things will be
marked with the tag "Updated" rather than "Into".