This site exists mainly to scratch my own itch. I speak at conferences a lot, which means I need to know when conferences are looking for speakers. They usually (but not always, don't get me started!) announce this on their websites. So, I needed a way to know when that happened.
At first, I was checking a relatively small number of them, manually. As the number grew, I looked for automated solutions. I found a few, but the only one that was (IMHO) reasonably priced turned out to be unreliable, and none of them had certain features I wanted. So, I decided to make my own.
This means that, unlike some sites, if this one goes kaput, I have skin in the game and will fix it as quickly as I can. I'm not just the author, I'm a user too.
Also, I had been trying to break into the Elixir programming language for several years, with no luck. Aside from the usual "we won't be the first ones to pay you to do whatever", there's also the fact that Elixir is still not very popular. So, this gave me a way to get some "almost-real-world" experience in Elixir.